A) There will be an attacker team and defender team to play this game. Winner will be the host team. Host team will be the defender.
B) The attacker will try to hit target of 80 point of the game in order to win the game. Defender will be prevent it form achieve 80 point.
C) Point card will be include 5, 10 and K cards. Where K and 10 represent 10 point, 5 represent 5 point.
D) Every round each player play their number of cards according to the man in charge play card number. E.g: Man in charge play double, all others must play double.
i) Man in charge means that the person that first play the cards. For example, host will be the first to play cards in first round. Man in charge will be determined according to the highest point in that round.
ii) The 'flower' of the card must be play accordingly. If you do not have that 'flower, you still need to play other card for substitution.
E) The card distributing will be draw 1 by 1 accordingly by the player. Every player have chance to use the key if they get it to be the main 'flower' type.
(Key referring to the number that will be d highest after Joker. So for examples, a spade 2 is used up by player 1. So spade will be the main 'flower' type. However player 2 can still change the main 'flower' type by used up two club 2. If player 1 has used up two spade 2, then player 2 cannot change the flower type d.
F) Main flower will be the biggest 'flower' among others. Eg, player 1 play spade, you do not have spade. However u can use your main flower card which is diamond (e.g) to gain control of main in charge that round.
G) Repeat number cannot be higher than the main in charge. For examples, man in charge play Ace, player 4 that play Ace cannot overcome it.
Below will be a briefing of the game play.
First prepare the following requirement:
1. 4 Person
2. 2 pack of poker card (include only 2 joker which is big joker and small joker)
Step 2: Draw cards 1 person by 1 person from the deck of card and left 8 card at the end to allow the host to change card. Player can used up the key card if he have a lot of card of that flower or according to feeling that he will get many card of that flower.
Step 3: Host will change the 8 cards and play the first card.
Step 4: Game start.
How to achieve point?
1) Host and his team will be the Defender.
2) The card that man in charge play can help his team to get point. For examples: Player 1 (MIC) play heart Ace, player 3 can play heart K to gain point. However, if Player 1 (MIC) play diamond 6, player 3 play diamond Q, player 4 can use diamond K to gain the man in charge power.
3) At the last round, if the attacker gain control of the field which means that attacker gain man in charge power, he can search for point card from the 8 cards that host exchange to gain point. For examples, among the 8 cards contain K or 10, the point will be added to the attacker team point.
(More picture will be upload for more details and understanding)
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